Friday, February 24, 2012

Divine Simplicity

It is so hard to achieve the ideal combination of simplicity and contentment in terms of food! And sometimes at lunch, I feel just like that - I just need some bites thrown together on a plate - simple, clean flavours, satisfying enough to let me carry on through the hectic afternoon. And today is one of these days when my lunch was just that: divine simplicity!

Basil and dried tomatoes bread, homemade labneh and caramel baked yoghurt, all from Country Of Origin ( on Napeansea Road in Bombay, a store which has been there for quite some time, but I only found the time to drop by today.

The bread was incredibly soft and fresh, the labneh was crisp and not sour at all (I dislike it when it's sour) with generous chunks of black pepper inside and bright green stalks of thyme floating in the olive oil. And the caramel yoghurt was positively the discovery of the year for me. Dulce de Leche ice cream loaded with calories no more for me!!

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